Saturday, December 17, 2005

Top 5 Best Naps of All Time

In order...

5.) Late afternoon, Spring 2005, Stinson Beach, CA - A relatively short nap in the sand after hiking the Steep Ravine Trail and playing a rousing game of beach frisbee with four friends. It was late in the day on a windy afternoon we all crashed in near proximity and covered our heads with sweaters and bags to keep the sand from blowing in our faces.

4.) Early afternoon, Summer 2000, Beach Camp Week #5, Manresa State Beach, CA - I was a camp counselor and landed the “tough” assignment of camping with awesome high school kids on the beach for a week at a time. The kids were completely capable of entertaining themselves which left myself and the other counselors plenty of time to dig form-fitting holes in the sand to aid in our napping endeavors.

3.) Dusk, New Years Eve 2004, Berkeley, CA - The nap after which I was so well-rested that I laid in bed and understood the magnitude and importance of creating this very list.

2.) Dusk, Spring Break 2002, Santa Barbara, CA - After driving all day down Hwy. 1 with my best pal, we arrived at my cousin's house in Santa Cruz (Isla Vista to be exact) and napped for a couple hours to shake off the driving blahs before heading out for the night. It was the perfect Californian evening, the colors of sunset and a light breeze coming through the windows bringing the sound of fog horns and backyard barbeques.

1.) Afternoon, Summer 2000, Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, CA – a bunch of friends wanted to hang out in San Francisco for the afternoon and for some reason, I was so exhausted, the only thing I had on my mind was taking a nap. So exhausted, in fact, that napping beat out Alcatraz, Ghirardelli Square, the trolley, Union Square, the Golden Gate, every museum, and more. Around 1:00 in the afternoon we split up at Fisherman’s Wharf and agreed to meet back there at 4:00. I promptly went to the upper level of the Wharf, found a secluded park bench, set my watch, clutched my purse under my head, and napped to the sounds of tourism and barking seals for three hours of glory. Sigh…ecstasy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

All Hail Survivor

Quote of the Day (from the mouth my newest friend, Adam, who nearly beat me at a game of dominos this evening):

"If they're going to call it "Survivor," everyone who doesn't win should have to die at the end."

Monday, December 12, 2005

Key Envy

Originally uploaded by carrieaparrish.
A friend of mine is vacationing in Florida this week and spent today on the waters of Key West. Being the honest person I am, I must admit...I am SO jealous! But...knowing myself as well as I do, when I was in Mexico this past May, I took one picture that I knew would be a saving grace for a moment such as this. It's not particularly frame or photo album worthy, but it's sole purpose was to be resurrected on just such an occasion to remind me of exactly what it feels like to spend a few days doing nothing but sitting on the beach answering the really difficult questions of life, like whether to go snorkeling (again), climb a pyramid, or sit tight and order another round of drinks. God, I really did know what I was doing when I took this picture...mission accomplished.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Mutt 'n' Boots

This photo was taken from a moving car on an average Tuesday night. Wo/man's Best Friend is wearing nothing less than four black leather boots with exquisite wool linings. And rightly so considering it was a chilly 50 degrees out. You have GOT to love this town!

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