Now Playing: "Secret Glee & The Singledom Satisfaction"
I recently had a friend who called it quits with her boyfriend, and I have to admit (yes, were I Catholic, I'd definately be going to confession on this one)...I confess that I am a terrible and cruel, yet utterly human, person. When I heard word of the demise of this relatively serious relationship, my brain filled with a twinge of gladness that someone other than myself is still capable of being in relationships that "didn't work out." It's reaching the point where so many of my friends are getting married that I find myself often forgetting the fact that there are still many of us single 25 year olds out there who are engaging in relationships that "don't work out" or are short-lived because we're just "trying them on for size."
And now, a public service announcement for those in committed relationships:
Fate (if you believe in it at all) does not smile on all of us in the exact same way. Most of us will not marry our high school sweetheart, nor are we likely to meet "The One" (aka T.O.) while we're tying our shoelace, sweaty and disheveled, at the corner of Telegraph and Ashby Avenues. For some of us, we might know "The One" as soon as we see him/her. For others, it may be years before we realize that one of our best friends is a T.O. keeper. Some of us may be 25. Some of us may be 35. Some of us may be 45! And some of us may never find, or may choose to never find, a T.O. But regardless of our individual outcome, if you're in a committed relationship, I recommend that you try to take it just a little easier on your single friends. Realize that, just as every fingerprint is different, so are our lives and our relationships. We'll all be better off if you could just refrain from even thinking (let along saying) things like "Oh, you're STILL single?" and "Don't worry, you'll find T.O. someday!" and "Who wouldn't love you?!" Just let us singles be who we are. Let us live the life we choose, or if you're so inclined to believe, the life that we were born to live. Provide us with the opportunity, space, and encouragement to be completely satisfied with who we are TODAY, whether or not that meets any number of societal "norms."
That said...I joined today, if for no other reason than to be able to tell anyone and everyone that they can stop bothering me about not having exhausted online dating as an option. The things I do for a little peace and quiet...