Roots and Pox
It’s been over two months since my last blog posting. So much for New Year’s Resolutions, eh? At least we’ve established that I too, am an excellent representation of the average American.
Actually, I haven’t even written a post since I turned 25. So now that I’m 25 and two months and have SO much introspection on what it is to be 25, I’d say that it hasn’t been quite the drastic shift from my 24th year that I was expecting. But really, when it comes down to it, I woke up in a warm bed this morning, ate a big breakfast, and then came to work at a job that pays me three times the minimum wage. Regardless of what age I am, I certainly can’t complain about that.
And so, as I begin to get back in the habit of blogging my life away, I thought it only appropriate to revert to my blogging roots for your reading pleasure:
General State of Being: Claustrophobic – it’s SO nice outside today. Sitting in my tiny office space seems so…anti-climatic.
Song of the Day: Speed of Sound – Coldplay (was the first song I heard when I woke up this morning and it made my day)
Today’s Low: I think my motivation fell out of my pocket on the train this morning. I just can’t seem to get into the piles of work drowning out my desk…hence the blogging at 9:30 in the morning.
Today’s High: Looking forward to a weekend in which I have nothing to do but catch up on all the things I have to do. Well, that and attend the wild and ruckus birthday party of my 5 year old cousin!
Insignificant Fact: Speaking of 5 year old birthday parties, a short trip down memory lane seems in order. The day I turned 5, my parents had planned a great big birthday party for me and lots of my friends. Early on the morning of the party, mom was hanging streamers and dad was putting the last touches on a great drawing of a donkey when I walked into the room, pulled my shirt up past my nonexistent chest and said, “Mom, what are all these spots?” Turns out, I had landed myself a great case of the chicken pox. The party was off…saddest birthday I’ve ever had.