July 2006
Yes, after two months of not blogging whatsoever, an inland move, a vacation to another country and the looming approach of graduate school, I figured it was time to get back on the wagon. Surely graduate school will usher in many an opportunity to procrastinate and put off productivity and perhaps this blog just might reap the benefits of such an arrangement. As inspired by so many of my friends who have survived graduate school before me, I shall do my best.
July…what a month!
I moved into my new house/cottage/bungalow which I pay rent for all by myself. Put it down as another lifetime first – I am without roommate! And with love in my heart for each and every roommate I have ever had (save that crazy girl* freshman year of college), I am absolutely thrilled to be on my own.

And...after the grueling and labor-intensive relocation of all my worldly crap, I took a vacation to Victoria Canada and the Oregon Coast with the Boy, Matty(*).

I LOVED Canada and the rural, unrushed beauty of Victoria Island. Complete with ferry rides, rooftop goats, waterfalls, a killer whale, Phase 10, an adorable little dog, and even more adorable grandparents, our relaxing days as honorary Canadians certainly left us wanting more. And, if you’re just eating up the details on this uber-sweet trip, you can read more about it here.

Next it was on to the Oregon Coast - Rockaway Beach, Tillamook and Oswald West State Park to be specific. While there aren’t pictures to prove it, I passed muster as a catcher, cleaner and cooker of clams on a very cool and rainy Oregon Coast morning. And as a reward, Matty and I treated ourselves to cheese curds and ice cream at the cheese factory. (Note: my new favorite ice cream = root beer float ice cream – no hassle and no mess with the combining of rootbeer and vanilla ice cream, this Tillamook specialty does the dirty work for you and puts it on top of an ice cream cone. FABULOUS!) We camped at a great walk-in campground at Oswald West and fulfilled our beach time and hiking quotas all together.

Post-Trip: It’s all Boise, all the time! Stay tuned for reports from the field covering topics such as “Is there Life After California?” and “Surviving as a progressive-liberal-type in a hostile environment.”
* = Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.